Monday, December 19, 2011

Significant Events of 2011

      In 2011 much happened. Our world changed as we know it, although we don't realize it every day. Everything that happened in 2011 shaped our world to be the way it is.
     In January, a few important things happened. First of all Estonia joined the Eurozone, which helped lead up to the fall of the Euro. Also, in January there was a bombing in Moscow, Russia that killed 37 people and injured 180 people. It happened January 24 and devastated the world.
     Starting in Feburary Hosni Mubarak resigned after the widespread protests in Egypt. This lead to the military controlling Egypt completely. Also uncertainty over Libyan oil output causes crude oil prices to rise 20% over a two-week period following the Arab Spring, causing the 2011 energy crisis.
      For March,  A 9.1-magnitude hit the east of Japan, killing 15,840 and leaving another 3,926 missing. Tsunami warnings are issued in 50 countries and territories. Emergencys are declared at four nuclear power plants affected by the quake. There was a lot of talk about this, and it was a pretty big deal.  Arab Spring and the Libyan civil war: In light of continuing attacks on Libyan rebels by forces in support of leader Muammar Gaddafi, military intervention authorized under UNSCR 1973 begins as French fighter jets make reconnaissance flights over Libya.
     All I'm going to say for the month of April is: New reports state Kim Jong-il has died of fatigue. Except in North Korea where articles say he died "of being too awesome."
     May is the month of which U.S. President Barack Obama announces that Osama bin Laden, the founder and leader of the militant group Al-Qaeda, has been killed during an American military operation in Pakistan. The European Union agree to €78 billion rescue deal for Portugal. The bailout loan will be equally split between the European Stabalisation Mechanism, the European Finacial Stability Facility, and the International Monetary Fund.
     June may or may not be the month in which Chile's Puyehue volcano erupts, causing air traffic cancellations across South America, New Zealand, Australia and forcing over 3,000 people to evacuateArab Spring: Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh travels to Saudi Arabia for treatment of an injury sustained during an attack on the presidential palace. Protesters celebrate his transfer of power to his Vice-President Abd al-Rab Mansur al-Hadi.

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